As Florida struggles through this recession the endangered Florida panther has benefited. Even though the panther is that state animal, some people are asking if trying to save the animal will impede the progress of more development. Because of the foreclosed or unsold homes people are starting to make plans for new communities. The panther needs a lot of room to survive and there territories have been over lapped by the human communities. With the 100 panthers left alive cars have become a major problem for these animals, in 2009 alone there was 8 Florida panthers killed by cars.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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  1. why cant they have a special place to put them so they dont get smushed by cars. cant the people that are in charge of where buildings can go do something else besides go a head and build in the panthers space?

  2. for your second one i think that the people that are in the organization are doing a good thing to try and help them from becoming extinced.

  3. for the thirsd one you have isnt illegal to hunt panthers and other animals like that? if not i think it should be because its hurrting the animals and it makes their population decreas. waht do you think should be done.

  4. i agree. florida should make a place where they can live freely and not worry about the hazzards of humans.

  5. so then why dont they actualy do that find time to find a place where they wouldnt be around people and cars and other dangerous things

  6. its such a sham that the jaguar has to share their habait with people, its not fair for them and us. what are the plains that the communntties are makein??

  7. cant they move some of the jaguar to a different place but in the same climate??

  8. i think the florida commutey is over populated in some ares but its absolty bad that a wild cat is interacting with humans, such as the cats geting hit by cars

  9. thats right, idont know why they wont do that for them, theyll be sorry when humans kill all of them

  10. Nick, i dont agree with what you just said because its not our fault that we have to share a spot with them. who ever is in charge of finding a place should do a better job at moving them away form us so we dont kill them.

  11. thats definately the best idea in order to save these animals

  12. yeah i think so but how caome the people that build roads and other things around there dont see the proble to fix it so we dont kill the panthers

  13. they most likely dont care. all they probably care about is getting paid

  14. Extinction is a natural process...many species have become extincted in the past with no interaction with humans (ex: dinosaurs). However,it seems to me that the rate of extinctions across the board (with many animals) is rising...Do you think this is true? Or do you think that we have become a true technological which information is readily available? In other words, has the extiniction of species really increased or are we just more aware of it?
